Tài liệu Long-term survival of women with breast cancer in biomarker context – Vu Hong Thang: 34 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
Corresponding author: Vu Hong Thang, Medical Oncology
Department, National Cancer Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: vuhongthang@hmu.edu.vn
Received: 6/11/2017
Accepted: 18/9/2018
Vu Hong Thang
, Tran Van Thuan
, Ta Thanh Van
, Lambert Skoog
¹National Cancer Hospital, Vietnam
²Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
3Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden
Little is known about breast cancer in Vietnamese women. The aim of this study was to examine the
correlation of prognostic factors with relative survival of Vietnamese women afflicted by breast cancer treated
at the National Cancer Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam. We recruited 248 women with operable breast cancer
treated with surgery and adjuvant therapy. Tumor tissue samples were stained by a range of immunohisto-
chemically approaches and analyzed for the h...
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34 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
Corresponding author: Vu Hong Thang, Medical Oncology
Department, National Cancer Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: vuhongthang@hmu.edu.vn
Received: 6/11/2017
Accepted: 18/9/2018
Vu Hong Thang
, Tran Van Thuan
, Ta Thanh Van
, Lambert Skoog
¹National Cancer Hospital, Vietnam
²Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
3Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Stockholm, Sweden
Little is known about breast cancer in Vietnamese women. The aim of this study was to examine the
correlation of prognostic factors with relative survival of Vietnamese women afflicted by breast cancer treated
at the National Cancer Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam. We recruited 248 women with operable breast cancer
treated with surgery and adjuvant therapy. Tumor tissue samples were stained by a range of immunohisto-
chemically approaches and analyzed for the hormone receptors, HER2 gene amplification status. The Cox
model was used to determine the relationship between survival and prognostic treatment factors. The
disease-free survival rate, overall survival rate and cancer-specific survival rate were 75.8%, 80.6%, and
86.4%, respectively, at 5 years and 62.3%, 68.1%, 78.9%, respectively, at 9 years. Women with poor prog-
nostic factors (e.g., advanced clinical stage, high tumor grade, progesterone receptor (PgR) negativity,
HER2 amplification) had significantly lower survival rates. Postmenopausal women had significantly lower
survival rates as compared to premenopausal women when analyzed by univariate analysis (HR = 0.6, 95%
CI: 0.38 - 0.95, p = 0.029). However, these comparisons were not statistically significant when subjected to a
multivariable analysis (HR = 0.67, 95%CI: 0.41 - 1.08, p = 0.1). Premenopausal women had a higher survival
rate than postmenopausal patients in groups treated by endocrine therapy or chemotherapy. Postmeno-
pausal women had lower levels of survival than premenopausal women. This might be attributable to more
poor prognostic factors in postmenopausal women. The cancer-specific survival in the present study was
comparable to that for patients from other Asian and Western countries.
Keywords: breast cancer; biomarkers; survival
Breast cancer is the most common cancer
in women and a major cause of cancer-related
deaths in many countries [1]. There are, how-
ever, differences in incidence, prognostic
markers and survival among ethnic groups. In
the USA, the breast cancer incidence among
Vietnamese women was 55.5/100.000, which
was found to be lower than those in other eth-
nic groups such as Chinese, Filipino, Japa-
nese and non-Hispanic white women [2]. In
Hanoi (Vietnam), the breast cancer incidence
(per 100,000 people) was low, at 17.5 cases,
which is considerably lower than that reported
for Vietnamese women, 36.6 per 100.000,
living in the US and Caucasian Americans,
98.7 per 100.000 [3].
In Vietnam, findings from cancer registries
in three regions showed that breast cancer is
the most common form of cancer in women
[4], but due to historical reasons, there are no
nationwide data available on its incidence and
prevalence. Breast cancer death amounts to
5.69% of all cancer deaths in Vietnamese
women [5]. Recent reports from the United
JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018 35
States showed that the mortality rates of USA-
born, Vietnamese patients were the lowest
among Asian populations and much lower
than that of non - Hispanic white women [2; 6].
Similarly, it was also found that African-
American women had lower survival rates
than white women, even after adjustment for
prognostic characteristics [7]. Breast cancer
mortality has been declining in Europe over
time with marked decreases observed in
Northern countries attributable to early detec-
tion and treatment [8].
Very few data have been reported on
breast cancer survival among women living in
Vietnam. Two studies showed that premeno-
pausal Vietnamese women benefited from
oophorectomy plus tamoxifen [9; 10].
In our previous studies, we have found that
Vietnamese women had breast cancer tumors
with a high frequency of the human epidermal
growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) gene amplifi-
cation, hormone receptor negativity and had
more advanced stages of tumor compared to
Swedish women [11; 12].
The aim of this study was to examine the
correlation of survival with prognostic factors
and treatment of Vietnamese breast cancer
women registered as patients at the National
Cancer Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
1. Study population and treatment
Two hundred and forty-eight patients with
primary breast cancer in clinical stage I-IIIb,
operated on between June 2002 and October
2003, were recruited randomly from the
National Cancer Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Patients were treated with modified radical
mastectomy or conservative surgery and axil-
lary node sampling with a median of 10 lymph
nodes excised (range 6-35). Classification of
histological type was defined according WHO
criteria. Tumor grade was assessed by the
Scarff-Bloom-Richardson (SBR) as well as the
Elston-Ellis grading method [13]. Informed
consent was obtained from all patients before
treatment. Patients who received modified
radical mastectomy were treated with adjuvant
radiotherapy for tumors ≥ 3 cm at a dose of 50
Gy to the chest wall and 50 Gy to the axillary
area if node positive. Patients who received
partial mastectomy were given 50 Gy to the
entire breast and a boost to 60 - 65 Gy to the
tumor bed. Patients with lymph node metasta-
sis received adjuvant chemotherapy with
anthracycline or taxane regimens range over 4
- 6 cycles. Of 123 premenopausal patients
with hormone receptor-positive tumors, 104
(84.5%) received endocrine therapy including
74 patients with castration by radiotherapy at a
dose of 15 Gy and 11 of those became meno-
pausal after chemotherapy and 19 peri-
menopausal women were treated with ta-
moxifen alone. Postmenopausal women with
hormone receptor - positive tumors were
treated with tamoxifen at a dose of 20 mg daily
for at least two but often for 5 years. In the first
years, all patients were followed-up with physi-
cal examination, chest x-rays, abdominal ultra-
sound and a blood test for CA15-3 level. Pa-
tients with symptoms suggesting metastasis
were examined by CT/ MRI scans or bone
scan. The majority of the patients were con-
tinuously followed up by examination at Na-
tional Cancer Hospital but some patients living
outside of Hanoi could only be reached by
telephone. If a patient could not be contacted,
the relatives were interviewed to clarify the
reason for this failure. The last day of follow-
36 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
up was July 31, 2011, with a 99-month median
follow-up (range 4 - 108 months). Patients
who were alive after the last day of follow-up
were censored.
2. Tissue assessment
All tumors were analysed for hormone
receptor content by immunohistochemistry in
the Department of Pathology at the National
Cancer Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam. Receptor
positivity was defined as > 1% of stained
nuclei and patients with positive tumor(s)
received endocrine treatment in the National
Cancer Hospital. These tumors were also
analysed at Karolinska Hospital (Sweden) for
hormone receptor content, HER2 expression
using an automated immunostaining platform
and SISH procedure. SISH scoring was
carried out independently following the recom-
mendation of the manufacturer. The adequacy
of staining assessed by examining each slide
for HER2 and chromosome 17 signals, identi-
fied as black and pink dots, respectively in the
nuclei of normal cells, which can include fibro-
blasts, endothelial cells or normal epithelial
cells. The entire stained section was scanned
and an area of the invasive tumor with the
most easily identifiable signal deposits was
chosen for counting. Twenty cancer cells were
counted for dots representing both HER2 and
chromosome 17. A single dot was counted as
one, a small cluster as six and a large cluster
as twelve. We did not count overlapping nu-
clei, or cells in which black dots were found in
the cytoplasm. Finally, the ratio of HER2 gene⁄
chromosome 17 was calculated by dividing the
total score for HER2 by the total score for
chromosome 17. A ratio of < 1.8 indicated that
the HER2 gene was not amplified, whereas a
ratio of > 2.2 showed amplification of the
gene. In tumors with a ratio between 1.8 and
2.2, a final decision was made after counting
an additional 20 nuclei. The results have also
been presented previously and those indica-
tors were correlated to disease outcome in this
study [11; 12].
3. Statistical analysis
The data was stored using SPSS software,
version 19.0 for Window (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
Analyses were performed using SPSS and
STATA version 10.1, StataCorp Texas, USA.
Differences in clinicopathological characteris-
tics, including tumor grade, tumor size, lymph
node status and breast cancer subtypes
between premenopausal and postmenopausal
patients, were examined using aχ
test and
odds ratio (OR) using 95% confident intervals
(95% CIs). Disease-free survival (DFS) was
defined as the interval from the date of opera-
tion to the date of first detection of metastasis
or contralateral breast cancer. Breast cancer-
specific survival (CSS) was calculated from
the date of operation to the date of death of a
patient caused directly by cancer. Overall
survival (OS) was defined as the date of
operation to date of death of any cause or the
last day of follow up.
The survival rates were estimated by using
the Kaplan-Meier method. Log-rank test was
used to compare DFS and OS between
groups. Univariate and multivariate Cox re-
gression models were used to determine the
relationship between breast cancer deaths
and the prognostic and treatment factors. After
the modeling process, the proportionality as-
sumption was checked using Schoenfeld re-
sidual plots and no violation was found. All
tests were two-sided and a p ≤ 0.05 value was
used as the significance level.
JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018 37
4. Research ethics
This work was approved by the ethical
committee of the Hanoi Medical University, No
38/HMUIRB, 95/HMUIRB-extension (Vietnam).
Characteristics of the patients treated in
2002 - 2003
The median age of study participants was
46 years (range 26 - 72 years). From Table 1,
it can be seen that 159 patients (64.1%) were
premenopausal, 85 (34.3%) postmenopausal
and 4 (1.6%) had unknown menopausal status
at diagnosis. Of all patients, 10.5%, 70.6%
and 18.9% were in clinical stages I, II and IIIa/
b, respectively. 227 patients (91.5%) had
invasive ductal carcinoma, while 21 patients
(8.5%) had other subtypes. The tumors were
classified according to SBR criteria as grades
I, II and III in 9.2%, 71.3% and 10.8% of
women, respectively. At the time of surgery,
109 patients (44%) had metastatic axillary
node(s) and 76 of them (70%) were given
chemotherapy. Hormone receptor-positive
tumors (ER + and/or PgR+) were found in 164
patients and 112 (68%) of these were given
tamoxifen. No patient was treated with
Survival and clinicopathologic factors
During the median observation time of 99
months, 48 patients died from breast cancer
and 28 patients died of unknown causes. No
autopsies were performed. Of the 171 (68.9%)
living patients, 13 had evidence of recurrence/
metastasis. One patient dropped out after con-
firmed metastasis. In addition, during follow
up, one patient developed leukaemia, another
had Vaquez disease (Primary polycythemia)
but both are still alive as of (insert date that
this report was written). The DFS, OS and
CSS rates were 75.8%, 80.6% and 86.4% at 5
years, respectively; and 62.3%, 68.1%, 78.9%
at 9 years, respectively. These trends of
survival are shown in Fig. 1.
A comparison of prognostic factors
between pre- and postmenopausal women
can be seen in Table 1. Postmenopausal
women more often had poor prognostic factors
such as hormone receptor-negative disease
and HER2 amplification. In the univariate
model, premenopausal women seemed to
have a better survival (HR = 0.61, 95%CI:
0.38 - 0.95, p = 0.03), however, this relation
was diminished when analysis was carried out
using the multivariate model (HR = 0.67, 95%
CI: 0.41 -1.08, p = 0.10). The improved
survival rate for premenopausal patients is
also seen in Fig. 2. We also confirmed, not
surprisingly, that participants with PgR-
negative tumors also had lower survival than
women with PgR-positive tumors (HR = 1.77,
95%CI: 1.01 - 3.11, p = 0.045) (Table 1). ER-
positive, PgR-positive, HER2-negative tumors
had improved survival rate (Fig. 3a-c). It can
be seen from these Figures that
premenopausal women had better survival
than postmenopausal patients.
38 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
Histological subtype
Ductal carcinoma* 148 (93) 76 (89) 0.63 (0.319)
Others 11 (7) 9 (11)
Tumor grade (SBR)
135 (86)
65 (78)
1.59 (0.242)
17 (11)
5 (3)
13 (15)
6 (7)
Lymph node
(-) 89 (56) 47 (55) 1.03 (0.919)
(+) 70 (44) 38 (45)
ER status
(-) 45 (29) 46 (54) 2.93 (0.0001)
(+) 112 (71) 39 (46)
PgR status
(-) 65 (41) 62 (73) 3.81 (< 0.0001)
(+) 92 (59) 23 (27)
HER2 gene
Negative 105 (66) 39 (46) 2.34 (0.002)
Amplification 53 (34) 46 (54)
No 97 (61) 58 (68) 1.37 (0.264)
Yes 62 (39) 27 (32)
Hormone therapy**
No 19 (16) 11 (27) 0.5 (0.103)
Yes 104 (84) 30 (73)
*ductal and ductal carcinoma component
** compared for hormone positive patients
Table 1. Comparison of clinicopathological parameters according to menopause status
Variable Pre n (%) Post n (%) OR (P-value)
Clinical stage
I, II 134 (85) 64 (75) 1.83 (0.069)
III 24 (15) 21 (25)
JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018 39
Figure 1. Disease-free survival, overall survival and cancer specific survival
of operable breast cancers
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis (after adjusted stage,
hormone receptors, HER2 status)
Figure 2. Overall survival of operable breast cancers by menopause status
Post 5 years 9 years Pre 5 years 9 years
ER(-) 69.6% 59.7% ER(-) 75% 72.7%
ER(+) 75.8% 58.3% ER(+) 88.1% 73.3%
Figure 3a. Comparison of overall survival by ER and menopausal status
40 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
Post 5 years 9 years Pre 5 years 9 years
PgR(-) 65.5% 50.3% PgR(-) 82.6% 71.3%
PgR(+) 90.9% 81.8% PgR(+) 85.6% 74.5%
Figure 3b. Comparison of overall survival by PgR and menopausal status
Post 5 years 9 years Pre 5 years 9 years
HER2(-) 73.8% 62.2% HER2(-) 86.1% 74.9%
HER2(+) 71% 56.0% HER2(+) 80.8% 69.2%
Figure 3c. Comparison of overall survival by HER2 and menopausal status
It is estimated that more than 16.000
women in Vietnam are diagnosed with breast
cancer every year. Vietnamese patients are
younger than Western patients at the time of
diagnosis and it seems that there are differ-
ences in tumor prognostic markers between
Vietnamese and Swedish women with breast
cancer [11; 12].
The 5-year OS in the current study was
80.6% for all patients which was similar to sur-
vival rates reported in France [14], but was
lower than survival of foreign-born Vietnamese
women living in the country which was re-
ported to be 86% [6]. The 5-year survival rate
of Vietnamese women less than 50 years
treated in the National Cancer Hospital in
Hanoi is similar to that reported in the Eastern
JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018 41
region of England (85.6% vs. 85.0%) and
slightly lower after 9 years of treatment [15].
This might partly be explained by the fact that
all patients in these studies were most likely
treated in advanced hospitals with reliable
guidelines and techniques. However, the 5-
year DFS in our study population was lower as
compared to Chinese women in Hong Kong
with similar stages, 75.8% vs. 81.2% [16].
To our knowledge, this is the first study
with active, long-term follow-up of pre- and
postmenopausal women with breast cancers
from Vietnam. We usually recommend that
breast cancer patients have their check-up
after treatment at the Cancer Hospital in Ha-
noi. This was, however, difficult for patients
living at a distance from Hanoi. Therefore, 10
patients (4%) were lost to follow-up during the
course of the study. One further difficulty is
that some patients decided to go to their local
hospital or to seek traditional medicine treat-
ment. In fact, it appears that some patients did
not seek medical attention, although they had
various symptoms. We therefore believe that
our data overestimates the DFS rate, and to
some extent also overestimates CSS, while
the OS data are likely to be more robust. Viet-
nam introduced national mortality statistics in
1992 which was based on commune-level re-
ports. However, the assessment of cause of
death is in many patients is not always thor-
ough[5]. In the present study, 48 of 76 patients
that died (63%) had evidence of metastasis by
investigation at hospitals and cancer was de-
termined as the primary cause of death.
More advanced treatment and early diag-
nosis has improved breast cancer survival
over the recent years [2; 7]. In our study, vari-
ables including menopausal status, clinical
stage, tumor grade and various biomarkers
were associated with survival. The lowest sur-
vival was seen in women with advanced
stages, high-grade tumors, high cell prolifera-
tion, or triple negative tumors. Stage of dis-
ease was the strongest prognosticator regard-
less of other factors. A report on breast cancer
survival among Asian patients living in Malay-
sia and Singapore indicated a 5-year survival
level was lower than that found in our study
[17]. The survival rate was associated with
both tumor characteristics and hospital setting
[15]. Although ER and HER2 status in our
study was found to not be statistically related
to survival, it seems that patients with ER (-)
and/or HER2 amplified tumors have poor sur-
vival. These findings are consistent with previ-
ous reports based on random samples of
either Asian or Western women [15, 18 - 21]. It
should, however, be pointed out that the sur-
vival of patients suffering from breast cancer is
not only dependent on clinicopathological fea-
tures but also on hospital settings [15]. A re-
cent report from Sweden found that CSS at
ten years was lower in low socioeconomic
status women than in their high socioeco-
nomic status counterparts (78% vs. 82%, re-
spectively) [22]. We were not able to compare
the socioeconomic status of our Vietnamese
patients, but it can be assumed that such pa-
rameters are highly likely to have influenced
patient survival. Therefore, further studies on
Vietnamese patients should investigate the
relationship between survival and socioeco-
nomic factors, combined with the quality of
breast cancer treatment available.
As reported previously, we found different
clinicopathological and tumor cell characteris-
tics of breast cancers from Vietnamese and
Swedish patients. The difference was seen
particularly with respect to patient age [11].
42 JMR 116 E3 (7) - 2018
Dabakuyo et. al. stated that the survival rate
was lower in patients whose age was 60 years
or older and in postmenopausal women more
broadly [14]. It has also been reported that the
cancer mortality rate has also increased with
rising age in Northern Vietnam [23]. One limi-
tation in our study is that we were not able to
assess the exact cause of death in some pa-
tients; therefore, it is difficult to precisely deter-
mine breast cancer-specific survival. More-
over, one important reason for the lack of the
precision is that for legal and cultural reasons,
autopsies are not performed in Vietnam. The
modest sample size is also contributed to limit
in this study. However, 48 (63%) of the dead
patients had been confirmed as having metas-
tatic disease and cancer death seems plausi-
ble among these patients. We found that post-
menopausal women had a significantly lower
OS rate than premenopausal women. But
postmenopausal women more often had tu-
mors with poor prognostic factors as com-
pared to premenopausal women in this study.
When adjusted for disease stage, hormone
receptors and HER2 gene status, we found
that postmenopausal women still tended to
have a decreased survival rate although it was
not statistically significant.
The National Cancer Hospital is the largest
cancer centre in Northern Vietnam with more
than 10,000 patients treated annually. During
the past fifteen years, research on treatment
of breast cancer in cooperation with University
of Wisconsin showed that premenopausal
Vietnamese women benefited from oophorec-
tomy and tamoxifen regardless hormone re-
ceptor status [9]. One limitation is that our find-
ings are based on breast cancer patients
treated in a single institution with access to
adequate therapies and thus do not reflect
treatment in all hospitals in Vietnam. Further
studies are needed on similar groups of pa-
tients in the other major cancer centres
throughout Vietnam. To improve survival rate,
it is additionally important for patients to be
diagnosed at early stages as well.
Although many patients had tumors with
unfavourable prognostic characteristics, their
long-term survival prospects were favourable.
In contrast to similar reports from western
populations, postmenopausal women had
shorter survival and poor prognostic factors as
compared to premenopausal women. Im-
proved reports on disease recurrence and
cause of death in combination with knowledge
about socioeconomic status are needed to
obtain a more precise picture of breast cancer
survival Vietnamese patients.
This work was supported by grants from
Sida/SAREC, Stockholm, Sweden, for collabo-
rative research between Hanoi Medical Uni-
versity (Vietnam) and Karolinska Institute
(Sweden). We would like to express our sin-
cerest thanks to the nurses and doctors in the
National Cancer Hospital for assistance in as-
sessing the patient records, and Sinclair H.
Mantell for efficient suggestions and correcting
of the English text and Gaetano Marrone for
guidance on statistical analysis.
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